Thursday, February 21, 2008

You Know it.

We love this song, we love these people, and we love Missy.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Thumbs up!

You know, my roommates have decided this is going to be a solo blog and I couldn't help but share this moment. Maybe you just have to know Megan, but I thought this was absolutely hilarious. Beth was enjoying her Mardi Gra birthday party until she began blowing out the candles. I was holding the cake and I watched in horror as Beth's hair lit on fire. One of those moments that was surreal. I saw it happening but no plan of action came to mind. This would be the only picture that captured the moment. Don't worry, Beth cut her hair, lost some eyelashes and still looks fantastic. Meggers is still looking great too.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Starting with the Sound of Music

Let's start with today. It's a Sunday afternoon. Joslin is looking up Van Trap family facts and Beth's asleep on the couch. Megan is convinced that we need to turn off the movie after the wedding, because here we only like happy moments-we've learned to love the sunshine. Dantzel is mad about facebook and texting. Good job Dantzel, we knew we could count on you. We hope to keep the yellow house forever. Our kids will live here someday and maybe they'll write on this blog, if we have blogs then. Love you girls.