Sunday, February 21, 2010

I have one.

Remember how I commanded everyone at the yellow house that they couldn't have a blog? I specifically remember actually demanding that no one else could have their own blog outside of the yellow house one. I still feel the same way. Kind of. I now go back on what I said. I'm a liar. Mine is And this is why. Because I love seeing people that I haven't actually talked to in 3 months and I still know what is happening in their life and I can repeat all the things I read/heard about and we don't even miss a beat.

This blog has now been happening for over 2 YEARS! 2 Years. Seriously. I'm so sorry I missed the anniversary. Love you girls. Only 2 more left to come home! I'm so happy.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

megan came home and i took one million pics.

for all our gfs. hope you feel like you were there. so happy to have sister sorris back and are counting down until the same can happen with beth and jos!
remember when we welcomed your dad home too, d?
wendy was thrilled.
brunette/blonde. cutie pie.
who else missed these faces?
back to the home to wait while she's released.
ryan tried playing the piano to calm his nerves.
meg was real sad to not be wearing her badge.
but clearly happy to be able to do this.
and they wanted to touch so bad.
and then ryan broke the barrier.
and they're back in love.
and we're back to friendship.
listening to the new imogen heap song - earth.
l-o-v-e loooove it.
nice roommate ali solved the blonde/brunette/no haircut for 18 months prob
meg taught lindsey's boyf and ali tawainese warm ups.
and joined the thursday lunch club.
now she's just in disneyland.
i'll post pics soon of house/party/qualts.
love love love.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010