Wednesday, September 22, 2010

told you i would.

glimpses of what life will look like starting oct 1.
ps it's my friday off!!! can't wait.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

i'm coming at you

The first thing I realized when I booked our tickets for UT was driving the alpine loop! No one could be more excited about that. And then I thought of Utah Lake. Why do I love that place so much??


So, don't get too excited but Dave and I are coming Oct 1 - 6.  These are the things I've thought about so far. Sleepover at Megan's house.  Come and hangout at my parent's house. Going to the DI on 45th south. Eating at places that Brynne and tan the man know about. Dave wants to go to Cafe Rio, Bajios, and Panda Express and some random place called Ze Tajas at Gateway that has the best apple crisp in the world ( i didn't even try to spell it right.) Brooke having a second ice cream party to help us feel like we didn't miss out.  So tell me what you are doing! Can we be friends?? Wow I'm way too excited. I would like you to comment and tell me all your plans for those days so you can be my friend every second. Jk

P.s. I love that everyone is keeping this blog alive!! I feel like such nice friends with everyone because i know kind of what you are doing. So thanks

Friday, September 17, 2010

i thought it was over.

so as i was driving home from school today i saw that the flag on the porch was gone and i felt such happiness! 

but then i looked up..

..and the other one was still there. and i was sad. 

and then i saw how the next door neighbors tried to match them in ridiculousness. and i was sad again.

but then i walked into my house and i saw this sweet ace parlor! and felt somewhat happier.
maybe you guys can come sit in it with me? 

and thanks fb for notifying me of things like this. just keepin us yh girls together. 

Sunday, September 12, 2010


So here's the thing. I tried to come up with some sort of catchy sea phrase for the title but really all that came to my mind was "houston we have a problem," "all hands on deck," and "walk the plank." At least two of the three have something to do with a ship. Anyway, Sam sent me a picture the other day of the latest decor at the once yellow house. Just a brief reminder, the new girls want it called the pirate ship now. . We thought it was bad before with a new paint job, but they really took it to the next level with these flags.
One on the porch, one in grace's old room, and one even on the roof. Way to go ladies, you've outdone yourselves.

guess what i found

I always get excited when I find pictures that I have not looked at millions of times. I feel like all my Yellow House pictures I've seen lots of times. These are some quality web cam pics from my HP laptop. Sorry that I'm in most of them, that's lame. But please remember the green room next to the kitchen and how much I loved hearing everyone get up in the morning and have late night conversations and feeling like I was apart of everything even if i was falling asleep.

haha got you

Friday, September 10, 2010

happy friday from brynne and yelle.

i can't post the real video but you should watch that one for sure for sure.
quite entertaining.
and also listen to her other songs.
i just think she's great.
oh and maybe she's saying bad things but i don't speak french and don't know.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


gals. girfs. ladies.

my job is such a good time and i wish you could all sit in this cubicle with me. let me share with you one of the gems from today:

Welcome to chat.

A representative will be with you shortly.
Me: hey bob
Bob: Hello
Me: What brings you to
Bob: I have a question
Me: okay go ahead
Bob: Is having over 17 wives...frowned upon?
Me: Yes
Bob: Oh okay
Bob: Gotta go make some phonecalls
Bob: Thanks so much
Bob: Bye Megan!
Bob: (The visitor has left this chat.)
The chat session is disconnected.

..hope you guys enjoyed that as much as i did. loves all around.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


i'm going to pretend like i didn't post anything yesterday.
and that i'm not posting these pictures for any reason besides trying to let you guys feel like you've been a real part of my life in the past 12 hours.
minus pictures from when tanner and i went rock climbing last night.
guess i just bought a month trial pass. heyooo.
this = part of my breakfast.
i already ate the orange and bagel.
just bein' back on that prednisone so i can run again.
cut and colored my hair saturday
growin out the bangs and trying a middle part?
scrapbook fest. 
brought all that stuff out last week to our shop up front.
and this is the file room that i'm supposed to take care of
but haven't had time to in the past 6 weeks.
sort of unbelievable but totally true.
saw brooke at institute last night!
the boys in front of us thought she was turning around to look at them.
that was real funny when the all perked up and started waving back.
and this is just what i see outside every day?
and my left hand.
just because.