i'm going to pretend like i didn't post anything yesterday.
and that i'm not posting these pictures for any reason besides trying to let you guys feel like you've been a real part of my life in the past 12 hours.
minus pictures from when tanner and i went rock climbing last night.
guess i just bought a month trial pass. heyooo.
this = part of my breakfast.
i already ate the orange and bagel.
just bein' back on that prednisone so i can run again.
cut and colored my hair saturday
growin out the bangs and trying a middle part?
scrapbook fest.
brought all that stuff out last week to our shop up front.
and this is the file room that i'm supposed to take care of
but haven't had time to in the past 6 weeks.
sort of unbelievable but totally true.
saw brooke at institute last night!
the boys in front of us thought she was turning around to look at them.
that was real funny when the all perked up and started waving back.
and this is just what i see outside every day?
and my left hand.
just because.