Sunday, November 21, 2010

My nephew is benjamin button

Here's the thing. My new nephew Merrick is just about the cutest thing to happen to this world since Emerson and Finlay. Plus in an adorable way he looks like a grandpa/yoda which makes me love him even more. Maybe you can tell from the picture above. I keep thinking about that weird benjamin button movie that Brad Pitt was in. Anyway, my fam got to go out a couple weeks ago to help Ricky and Tisha move into their new house and see Merrick get blessed. I got to go a day ahead of everyone which meant more snuggle time for me=happy happy dantzel. Here are some more pics of the little tyke.

He love love loves his dad. For sure a daddy's boy.

And these ones are really just because I can never ever ever get enough of Emerson and Finlay. They are so dang fun.

Emerson and Me before church.
Try ever getting sick of looking at that smile.
Pretty much being an aunt is the best thing ever.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

speaking of...

how have we never talked about this?
rudd on the mormon bachelorette!!! 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

so, i've been realizing that my last holidays spent in the united states were in 2007. that sounds so long ago and makes me feel weird inside. but anyway i've been obsessed with it and i've been looking through all my photos of that time and it brought back such great memories! so i thought i would share some of our november moments.
 anticipating kevin's arrival, good thing he got married and invited all of us to it. 
 such a good slash sad day when his iphone got stolen so we could make him an ibrownie
 the day the mirror broke
 haha grace and dave!
 love him.
 when our love for joslin became real.
 our tree!!!!
 this makes me want to cry
 joslin's students in some crazy play
 sigur rossss
maybe the only picture dave and i have together? glad he is still a part of the fam.
 maybe i creeped brynne's blog to see what she was doing in november. 
 me and d just lovin our walks to the library. and brynne's backpack
  some more korean moments

aaaand this one. haha. i can't really remember the story but i think the picture says enough.

gosh i miss yh days so much!! i just love you and i hope you enjoyed this walk down memory lane as much as i did. more to come for december i'm sure. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

i like sam.

she's hip and cool.
and tanner and i still talk about your winter/summer debate with dave.
way funny. 
keep up the good work, gf.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New YH friend

Hi. I thought we should invite Sam because she is a nice YH friend! I've always wanted to be her good friend but we've never lived in the same space. Bummer. But Brynne and Dantzel are! And she lived in dot chon's room for awhilE so that's nice. I'm writing this from my phone in class so this is hard. Welcome Sam!


i was going to make a post on here today but i don't want to take any glory away from b's great post below so i decided to just post it here for now.

but to stay with the theme i will give you a sneak peak:

love you love you.

extra extra sneak peek.

jessica emailed me these photos last night just in case i was getting antsy to see our engagements.
i just think she's the greatest photographer eva.
and wanted to share the extras with my favorite girfs.
bring the blog back to life again!
love to love you all.