Sunday, February 21, 2010

I have one.

Remember how I commanded everyone at the yellow house that they couldn't have a blog? I specifically remember actually demanding that no one else could have their own blog outside of the yellow house one. I still feel the same way. Kind of. I now go back on what I said. I'm a liar. Mine is And this is why. Because I love seeing people that I haven't actually talked to in 3 months and I still know what is happening in their life and I can repeat all the things I read/heard about and we don't even miss a beat.

This blog has now been happening for over 2 YEARS! 2 Years. Seriously. I'm so sorry I missed the anniversary. Love you girls. Only 2 more left to come home! I'm so happy.

1 comment:

brynne frei said...

hooray!! i love it so much. really loving it so much. the pics are so great. new shoes look so nice. love the sigur ros sheet music. except what if i wanted to comment? i don't know how. love you. love your blog. love gchat. love phone calls. love texts. thank you technology for keeping our friendship alive.