Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Probably I should be sleeping right now, but I hate the process of actually going to bed, so here I am instead. Today = greatest day I've had for a long time, and I'll tell you why I'm so happy.

Number one, my team is going to Nationals! We got the invitation to go today. I really wish you could have all been around when I got the text from my coach. Let's just say there was lots of jumping and screaming and just general excitement. We haven't been since my freshman year on the team, so it's a good year to be a cougar, and an even better year to be a senior. We won regionals last week, here's a pic of me lovin the trophy.

P.S...Jessie and I may or may not have taken the trophy out for a night on the town on Saturday night. I'd just like to throw out there that Dr. Pepper tastes absolutely fantastic out of a trophy.

Reason #2--I graduate on Thursday/Friday! Sort of anticlimactic since I've been done with school and tests since last Tuesday, but I've had a fantastic week of soaking up the sun at the pool and park, which makes me sooooo happy. This is a pic from Sam's graduation last year...and although I won't have a trampoline to help me celebrate, I'd like to think I'll be just as excited.

Reason #3--The Jazz pulled off a win tonight! Love me a little D-Will, but I think my vote for MVP for the night goes to Kyle Korver. Didn't have tons of points, but sure drilled the shots when we needed a little shove of momentum. Love him.

Reason #4--I have another nephew on the way! Tisha is pregnant, expecting August 31st and I can't wait to be aunt to a new little tyke! Love Ricky, Tisha, Emerson, and Finlay, and can't wait for the new addition.

Sun+Lacrosse+No School+New Nephew+Good Jazz game=One happy camper.


Sam said...

Dantzel you WILL have a trampoline! It is all repaired and hopefully will be set up this week for a graduation jump. Think about that for a second. Revel in it.

Hey everyone else... hope it's fine I commented on your blog.

brynne frei said...

sam - we love you.

and D- it's about dang time you posted something. love that your life is so happy for all those reasons. who wouldn't want DP out of a trophy? i know i do. enjoy graduation and write some tips so i can live it up next week. xoxo

Julie said...

Congratulations, Dantzel, on graduation! Woo hoo! And the going to Nationals and the new nephew (or was it niece?).

Meggara said...

is it possible to bring the trophy for when we start having our midnight drives again in the mini coop?? just let me know when you find out..

Laurie Marsh said...

creeper mom here. Congrats on EVERYTHING girl, well maybe not the Jazz game since you didn't really have anything to do with the win but still....Love you and am SOOOOOOO proud of you.