Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Tribute to Potential House Boyfriends.

The Yellow House would never have survived without the help of our dear "guy" friends who probably have been dubbed house boyfriends many times without knowing that we use that name for just about anyone who has helped us. The house boyfriend title is still special but has been shared by a few.

Treevsmore.Treevor, Treev, Trevor,etc etc. has been an asset. Fixing bikes, giving rides, sending text messages, playing ping-pong, bringing treats, stealing parking spots, and most important to kegs, taking pics. Trevor is one of those people who after he leaves he is still here-in our hearts, and in our noses. For instance, last night is never to be forgotten.
"It smells like Trevor."
"I smell him too."
"TREvor where are you!"
"here i aM!"
(as we speak this being quoted in the living room.) One of our favorite experiences.


Wait, I really can't think of a next. Treevor really might be our house boyfriend

A Close second will go to Mr. Nate Barnes who has provided cookies, given rides, given moral support and a man's point of view for relationships, also taken parking spaces-but was usually better than trevor, helped clean, and used our TV for sports.

A distant third, well we'll give to Desmonde'. Because he always provides some entertainment for our lives. I would have posted his fb picture but I think it is copyrighted for GQ. Definitely the cutest of the house boyfriends (love Beth.)

Fourth, Adam who helped Megan fix her flat tire.

Fifth, DP because we enjoy the moments we get to see him.
Honorable Mention goes to our neighbor's (david eff's house) for letting us use their oven, tools, man power, etc. OH and Rudd's house-well Rudd, for raking our leaves.

That's about it for now. House boyfriends are always welcome at the yellow house. Call Dantzel, Brynne, and Jos anytime. I'm sure someone will fall off the roof, break the christmas lights, get locked in the garage, need help cleaning and repairing the hot tub, want to go on a bike ride, need food..the list goes on.

But really, thanks.


Anonymous said...

appreciate the love, but though adam helped megatron fix her flat, who took the flat to discount tire, got it repaired (for free with some jay moyes connections) and then filled the spare at the gas station???

beth said...

you could have just left it at "appreciate the love." we all know you're the best house boyfriend, so stop trying to prove to us how great you are. that comment may have knocked you down to second best house boyfriend, but i will consult with the other yellow housers to see if it is necessary to demote you. however, i think memories of you bringing us slurpees and popcorn will still keep you as our #1 guy.