Friday, November 14, 2008

A lake of fire and brimstone

Here is some of the local California news.  People and Earth are getting all fired up.

The Tea conflagration started up last night in Montecito, one of the wealthier regions of California and has burned many luxurious homes on the mountain side where I went hiking Veteran's Day.  Orpah Winfrey's home has not burned yet however.  I could see the flames light up the sky from my house even under the full moon.  I went to the beach for a better view and try to take a good photo.  It looked crazy.

People are aflame as well.  Prop 8 passed!  However, it is met with ever increasing opposition.  There are protests scheduled at the Santa Barbara church building this sunday and the LA Temple already, rallies, and boycotts!  Protesters are specifically targeting the church.   I'll let you read about it.  It is really terrible.

Anyway, that is mostly what is happening here, along with The Office, Twilight anticipation (I don't know why I get so excited about things that I don't necessarily love), and my favorite of places so far, Solvang, something I do love.  Here's me in Solvang.  I miss you girfriends!  What is everybody doing? Libraries? Barbeques?  Missions?  Let's go to Jamaica together? $450 tickets round trip! Or Frankfurt, Germany? $650 roundtrip ( I have somewhere to stay here.).  Mexico City? $250 round trip.  I'm not paying rent right now as you can see.  I can fly somewhere every month.

K bye. I must get back to studying. 


Grace said...

Joslin!! Take me take me take me to this town! I want to take you to Tarrytown..

Joslin said...

Grace you will love Solvang and I will take you there. There is even a fabric shop there I know you will love--everything is 99 cents! It is all old fabric from this retired costume designer. The food at the grill is 99 cents too.

AND. I already love Tarrytown. I can't wait to go there. I love it so much i can't wait to go can't wait to go. Looks beautiful and somewhere I would want to stay forever.

Dantzel said...

I want to come play with my best girfs! What if I road trip to Cali jos, will you be my friend?

Grace said...

Yes!! I am there. Fabric for 99 cents? I don't think anyone could stop me from going. How about an end of Semester trip in May? or a weekend excursion. Oh wait. Dantzel is going to London? Oh well . We'll figure it out