Tuesday, April 7, 2009


So it turns out I don't really care about listening to student presentations during my class.  I got tired of creeping everyone else's blogs, so I decided to update you on the haps at the yellow house. 

Caitlin is now officially on her mission.  I know she's know a member of the yellow house, but I feel like everyone knows her anyway.  B and me went all the way to Idaho to go her farewell, which was nice bonding time we needed.  Also, we found some of my cds from high school, so that kept us pretty well entertained.  I had great music selection in high school, in case you're wondering.

Jos came to visit which we already posted about but it was fab! Love you long time Jos, and we want everyone else to come back too.

Here's a good story.  One sunday I was sitting next to Sam in Sunday school.  Then we had a combined meeting for priesthood/relief society, and I moved to go sit by the rugby boys.  That didn't go over the greatest, and so I decided to write Sam a nice note about it.  I started to say sorry, but then a great quote from Mean Girls popped into my head, so I wrote that instead. Then after church I got a note from Sam, and it said almost the exact same thing!  We were sitting across the room from each other, and hadn't seen or talked about this movie in months.  I think that's when you know you're real friends.

And last but not least, some sad news for the yellow house.  Apparently the owners are doing some remodels this summer.  All the rooms will be shared as of next year, and rent has been raised to $325/Month plus utilities and internet.  AKA...I'm poor and have now been forced out of a house.  Soooo when we have YHR 2010 we're just going to have to kick some girls out.  That's what. And I'm homeless. 

Other than that, school is rocking all of our lives, and we can't wait for summer.  Come back soon and let's have bbqs and play badminton and sleep on the tramp. And slurpees.  Love love love.


Joslin said...

Oh no I thought we had that house claimed for a good ten years at least so we could always come visit. Hmmm. How bizarre. Well we will have to find another spot to unite.

And I am in disbelief!! Those notes....I would be laughing about that for weeks if that was me! That is just too amazing and too unbelievable. You should send that story in to somebody who will publish it for you.
Yay for Caitlin!

brynne frei said...

i love everything about your post d and about jos's comment. love to my girfs!