Monday, April 19, 2010


Moving glass cup. from Grace Poulsen on Vimeo.

Remember when we used to all live together and weird things happened? Like the time I left Megan's strainer on a burner and it melted, or when we found that puzzle that fell and stuck in the cupboard or when our poster got stolen off our door. (I can't even remember what poster that was. But i think it was a girl scout poster?)

The other night I was doing the dishes and I swear this glass was haunted. There is no slant! I know science can explain it but I was entertained. Sorry for the dumbest video ever


Dantzel said...

my favorite part was when you pushed the cup over by yourself because it wouldn't move. loves it.

brynne frei said...

hahahahahah yup. definitely worth it. love love.

Meggara said...

i dont really get it but i liked it anyways