Saturday, January 30, 2010

Come Sit

I love this frequent blog posting that's happening. Dantzel's being in a blonde box ( i don't even get that actually) and brynne's just living in slc. Nice.

This week, I realized that I have filled a void that has been in my life for the past 2 years. The radiator.
(anyone remember when that room used to look like this? this is when I first looked at the yellow house and met joslin! Back in april-ish 2007?) I couldn't find a picture of my favorite kitchen radiator or the radiator by the front window which may be even more favorite. This is my replacement.

So it doesn't look like the classic's really just a metal box and we have dave's old couch pushed up next to it. There are downsides to this radiator. It's not really a radiator. I think it's just a giant vent in the shape of a radiator. Also, the yellow house ones were usually in convenient locations - right next to windows where you could stare at people. They were also used as seats during really important discussions, most about boys. Also used to warm us up even when they were so hot I thought I had burned my butt. (and that's when we began wrapping up in a blanket and sitting on the heater - smart.)

Here's the upside.

It's a really bad pic of the view but off to the left you can see manhattan - empire state building, chrysler building etc etc. All that good stuff before there? Well that's the Bronx. Also nice.

Now Dave and I have nice conversations about making websites, what color to paint the walls, and lots of studying - all while i sit myself on that heater. Love it.

In other news, we have an alien living in our house. Meet our antennae. The first night this thing was in our house I really thought we had another human there, watching TV with us, putting up it's arms. Maybe you had to be there?

Love you girrrls. I invite you to come sit on the heater anytime.


brynne frei said...

wow - i loved everything about this. especially the pic of you sitting. i can't wait to come sit with you!! the bronx is being so good to you guys.

brynne frei said...

ps i just realized something. grey dress/skirt in heater pic and then....tights, leggings, or garments?
hahahah love you gracia.