Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dear Samantha

I apologize. I'm sorry for not including you in my last post. It was a bad moment for me, one where I was caught off guard by the amount of life I had to catch up on this blog. I'd like to say that thus far, the best moment of 2010 was the one when Sam moved into the apartment at Foxwood! Aka...Sam and I have been reunited and it feels so good! The mean girls, hot rod, baby mama, and every other type of movie quotes have been going ever since. It's like we never left. Who would've thought two random roommates could become such great friends? I guess that's the beauty of the yellow house. Once it's brought you together, there's no going back.

So without further adieu, and with a sincere apology, I'd like to pay tribute to my favorite current roomate, Samantha Lynn Hunter, and I'll be using a lot of pictures for fond memories.

She has a most impressive sense of style, as evidenced by my attempts to copy her outfits. Not once, but twice mind you.

Sam's also got a fantastic love for all things HSM, but particularly Sharpay. This is Halloween last year, when she borrowed my dress and wore a rockin wig and head mic. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you sharpay.
Don't worry about me being dressed as a troll. Here's Sharpay just getting caught up on the "scuttle butt" as she would say...

Reason number 1203981-293712-0938-12319283019238 I love Sam. She, along with Dave and Jeff, drove all the way up to Logan this summer on my birthday just to visit! Gems. You can't ask for better friends. Also, they helped me "clean the sink" and Angies...which was fantastic.
And here's a picture from when Sam came back to me from a short stint in Virgina, when I missed her like a fat kid on a diet misses chocolate cake. Welcome back to me Sammy, and can't wait to have lots more great memories!

And....just because Manti requested it via facebook status comment, here's a shout out to my boy Manti. Aka...Dragon. One of the greatest. So glad we found this friend through old ward slash days when he used to play rugby at BYU with my brother Ricky. Here's one of my favorite memories of Manti. This night he, Jarom, and Derek decided to have a sleepover on our trampoline, despite the fact that it was definitely NOT warm enough to do that. Love them.

Again, Sam. Sorry. Love you long time girf!

1 comment:

Ben, Charlotte, Troy, and Liam said...

You guys are so fun. That is Hilarious about the outfits. That's pretty amazing.