Friday, July 16, 2010

don't feel left out, meg

just realized all these posts for d might make you think we don't care about you.
but we do.
what's not to love about this photo?
pujee, peace signs, 74th ward, asia, cut off shorts, mega, jos strikin' a pose for t moyes, etc
so many good things.
i hope efy is being good to you because we (i) miss you in slc.

1 comment:

Grace said...

oh yes! Meg I miss you also. But I really liked your blue dress thrift store find so I feel like I kind of know what's happening. Plus there are a million tagged EFY pics of you so I know you are alive!

Dear dantzel,

It is your birthday tomorrow!!!!! FOr your birthday present, write a post. Ps. did you get the dress i sent? I hope it looks magical on you (or will look magical if it needs some sewing) Love you girl!